ManageBac for Multi-Curricula Schools
The trusted choice of over 3,000+ schools worldwide, with 600+ built-in academic & accreditation standards.
One Solution for Multiple Curricula
Consolidate an average of three systems into one system – with support for all major curriculum pathways, inclusive assessment and reporting, and a smoother, more unified experience for your multi-curricula community.
What’s New
Conrad Hughes
Campus and Secondary Principal
International School of Geneva
Beth Puma
Instructional Coach and EAL Specialist
The American School in Japan
Aimee Skidmore
Language & Literature, Media & Communication and Research Teacher
Collège du Léman - International School
Aaron Shelby
Secondary Curriculum Coordinator
American Community School of Abu Dhabi
Engy Olama
Assistant Head of Primary - Kindergarten Head
Dar Al Marefa Private School - Dubai