ManageBac+ for Mobile

For Students, Parents, Teachers and Coordinators

Managebac For Mobile

The new ManageBac+ mobile app supports all user types including students, parents, teachers, coordinators & admins across all curriculum programmes with an improved experience on tablet & phone for all key functions: from taking attendance, classroom management, messaging, managing CAS and core requirements.


For Students


Stay organized with key academic deadlines and assessment tasks.


Set goals and build a portfolio with coursework, photos and more.


Manage CAS or service learning activities with reflections.

Personal Project

Plan projects and communicate with your teachers & advisors.

Quickstart Guidehandbook

Browse reference QuickStart guides for the IB to stay one step ahead.

Managebac Mobile For Student
Managebac Mobile For Parents

For Parents

Curriculum Analyzing

Browse the curriculum alongside teaching & learning within the Portfolio.

Monitor Academic

Monitor academic progress with grades, teacher comments, and report cards.


Submit attendance excusals and communicate with homeroom advisors.


Collaborate with fellow parents via the Parent-Teacher Association.

For Parents

Curriculum Analyzing

Browse the curriculum alongside teaching & learning within the Portfolio.

Monitor Academic

Monitor academic progress with grades, teacher comments, and report cards.


Submit attendance excusals and communicate with homeroom advisor.


Collaborate with fellow parents via the Parent-Teacher Association.

Mobile Parents Ipad Iphone@2X 2

For Teachers

Curriculum Planning

Collaboratively plan your curriculum.

Manage Learning And Teaching

Manage teaching and learning with stream & resources.


Share experiences and goal-setting within the Portfolio.

Annotated Coursework

Mark tasks, annotate coursework and submit term grades.


Record attendance and behaviour & discipline.

Managebac Mobile For Teacher
Managebac Mobile For Coordinator

For Coordinators

Curriculum Planning

Plan and organize key year group deadlines.

Manage Service Learning

Manage service learning & project-based learning.

Exams Management

Exams management from start to finish.

Curriculum Analyzing

Analyze your curriculum and manage term reporting.

For Coordinators

Curriculum Planning

Plan and organize key year group deadlines.

Manage Service Learning

Manage service learning & project-based learning.

Exams Management

Exams management from start to finish.

Curriculum Analyzing

Analyze your curriculum and manage term reporting.

Mobile Coordinator Ipad

Read our Guide: Getting Started with ManageBac+  on Mobile

Read our complete end-to-end guide on using the ManageBac+ app on iOS or Android, with step-by-step instructions, to get started.

What can you do with ManageBac+ for Mobile?

Access & permission levels by user type.

Student IcoStudents Teacher IcoTeachers Administrator IcoAdministrators Parent Account IcoParents
AttendanceDeadlines & Calendar See personal and class calendars. Manage deadlines well. View and manage unit calendars, upcoming events and deadlines. View and manage unit calendars, upcoming events and deadlines. View child’s progress, events and attendance.
Curriculum PlanningCurriculum See what is coming up in the course syllabus or the year in general. Be able to plan ahead. Collaboratively plan units and view/edit any section in real time. Collaboratively plan units and view/edit any section in real time. View child’s syllabus and progress over the year.
Class ManagementClass Management Students can easily manage tasks and units and send their classes messages and files Assign tasks and create units. Grade assignments and submit term grades to our gradebook. Assign tasks and create units. Grade assignments and submit term grades to our gradebooks. Additionally coordinators can assign teachers to classes. Stay up-to-date on child’s assignments and tasks as well as their overall class progress.
Student PortfoliosPortfolio A central hub to view and add goals, resources, coursework and reflections. A central hub for all coursework, goals, resources, reflections and rewards. A central hub for all coursework, goals, resources, reflections and rewards. A central hub for all coursework. View child’s goals, reflections and awards.
Manage Service LearningService Learning Fully manage your CAS. Add service learning activities and post reflections and notes. Request supervisor reviews on-the-go. Manage, review and approve your student’s CAS activities and reflections. Record notes & interviews. Manage, review and approve your candidate’s CAS activities and reflections. Record notes, interviews and activities. Review child’s CAS progress.
Community ProjectProject-based Learning Add project proposals, journal entries, presentations and reflections. Request supervisor review on-the-go. Review and approve projects and add deadlines. Record notes & interviews. Assign students to advisors and customize project-based learning templates. Review & approve projects and add deadlines like teachers. Review child’s project-based learning progress.
HomeroomHomeroom Have a class-like room for advisory/homeroom. Submit advisory/ homeroom comments and term grade reviews. Assign advisories/ homerooms. Submit advisory/homeroom comments and term grade reviews. See child’s advisory/homeroom comments like a separate class.
AttendanceAttendance Teachers can log student’s attendance in class and school. Easily record daily advisory/ homeroom, class and school attendance. Configure attendance settings and easily record daily advisory/ homeroom, class and school attendance. View child’s advisory/ homeroom, class and school attendance. Submit attendance excusals.
Quickstart GuidehandbookHandbooks Browse and download handbooks. Browse and download handbooks. Upload, browse and download handbooks. Browse and download handbooks.
File SharingPhoto & File Sharing Share photos & files directly into your Portfolio, Assessment Tasks, Activity Reflections, and Project Worksheets. Share photos & files directly into Class Units, Tasks & Resources, and Student Portfolios. Share photos & files directly into Class Units, Tasks & Resources, and Student Portfolios. -
