Integrated Remote

Bring your curriculum to life with a unified remote learning platform on ManageBac+ with built-in Zoom, AssessPrep, and Chat integrations.

Zoom + Keychat + Assessprep
Integrated Remote Learning Presentation Mode
Integrated Remote Learning Design

Designed for Remote Learning

Plan and facilitate learning no matter what the physical distance between you and your students is.

Integrated Remote Learning Three Pillars

Bringing your school online with three pillars supported by professional development & best practice:

Asset 51

Teaching & Learning

Seamless Online Lesson delivery with and Presentation Mode

Asset 52


Whole-school communication with and advanced lifecycle messaging & notifications

Asset 106 2 E1599113427486


Analytics with automated notification reminders & weekly digests

Online Lesson

Online Lesson Lifecycle

Schedule virtual class time using our built-in Zoom integration, or whatever your preferred video conferencing tool is, and start the lesson with one-click from your calendar or the class Stream.

Asset 52 1
Artboard 37@2X 11

For Teachers to Build & Deliver Lessons

Integrated Remote Learning Presentation Mode

Stay Organized

Select resources from Lesson Experience already created, or add needed resources on the go. Easily present documents, pictures, videos, or full webpages using the Presentation Mode.

Annotate to Help with Student Understanding

Highlight, draw, or write on the resources you are presenting, using our built-in annotation tool, to engage students and help make your point across.

For Students to Review Lessons & Take Notes

Integrated Remote Learning Study Mode

Studying Simplified

Easily review content from any lesson experience including tasks, videos, resources, SMARTPREP flashcards, interactive activities, and more with a full screen via Study Mode.

Stay Organised

Add and review notes in real time for each lesson experience using the built in Notepad featuring a rich text editor.


Integrated Remote Learning

Online Assessment & Exams

Create, plan and deliver Online Assessments & Exams through + AssessPrep + across Assessment

Asset 51 2 Tasks Asset 52 2 Stream Asset 53 1 Presentation Mode
Summative Assessment

Summative Assessment

Formative Assessment

Formative Assessment

Multiple Choice

Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs)

Long Answer

Long Answer

Interdisciplinary Assessment

Interdisciplinary Assessment

Auto Correctable

Auto-Correctable Interactives







Classify 2




Table Chart

Table / Chart

Rl Assessprep

  • Online Exams

    Securely manage remote Examinations

    Faster, more reliable and natural vs. handwriting

    Online and Offline exams delivery, powerful analytics, and built-in syllabus topics

  • Synchronous + Live

    Deliver assessments within a live, synchronous online lesson

  • Flipped Classroom

    Assign assessments for students to complete asychronously

Managebac Horizontal 1 Integration Details

Asset 129

Automated User Account and Class Roster Provisioning

Asset 118

One-click Single-Sign On from Accounts Portal

Asset 106 1 E1599018581231

Add from Task, ResourceBank or Presentation Mode

Gradebook Copy@2X1 E1599205150244

Automated sync of Point scores to the ManageBac+ Gradebook

Asset 108

For Whole-School Communication

Asset 109 E1599021910166
Asset 114 1

Centralise Whole-School Communication

Designed from the ground up to support school communication with Remote Learning

Channel membership is provisioned and managed automatically based on Class & Year group memberships as well as Teacher & Advisor relationships

Asset 113 1

Improve Collaboration for Remote Learning

Teaching & Learning to support Staff communication, Teaching & Advisory relationships (e.g. CAS, EE Advisor or Subject Teachers) and School Office for Administrative contacts

Asset 112 1

Provide Social & Emotional Support

Let Students share their current Status & Mood and improve Advisory support for student well-being

Asset 111 1

Enhance School-to-Home Communication

Unify Parent communications to provide a Unified Family Experience


Engagement & Lifecycle Analytics

Engagement & Lifecycle Analytics within ManageBac+ have been designed to provide a real-time view of student & teacher engagement for school leaders, homerooms and pastoral care. Student engagement analytics provide a roll-up view of engagement alongside workload and the student’s self-reported status.

Asset 109 1 1

For Students

Easy-to-understand analytics of how much and how well students are engaged in learning based on system usage, so that teachers can make precise and data driven interventions.

Asset 111 2

Task Completion

Asset 112 2

Lesson Attendance

Page View@2X 1

Page Views

Asset 114 2

Workload Indicators

Asset 110 1

Last Login

Asset 108 1 1

For Teachers

Summary level views of teachers’ utilization of the system to engage students in synchronous, as well as asynchronous learning, allowing principals, programme coordinators and other school leaders to identify Professional Learning needs, in order to implement effective learning strategies.

Asset 115 1

Planned Units

in weeks

Asset 116 1

Planned Lessons

in hours

Asset 117 1

Assessment Tasks

formative & summative

Rolled up for School Leaders via:

Asset 118 1

Daily & Weekly Digests

Asset 119

Professional Development Courses

Product Portal@2X 1

Help us make remote learning even better?

Vote on remote learning features on our Product Portal.

Product Portal

Asset 1

COVID-19 Resources

Support your school during COVID-19 with resources from ManageBac+