An At-a-Glance Overview of What’s Important for You

We are excited to announce a series of enhancements that bring a new level of functionality and personalisation to the ManageBac application for iOS. With a focus on enriching the experiences of students, teachers and parents, these updates cater to diverse user needs within the educational ecosystem. Whether it’s the revamped homepage customisation or the introduction of a variety of new widgets, the intention is to make essential information stand out and provide a quick snapshot of what truly matters. These latest updates aim to streamline interactions, enhance navigation and empower users with fast access to all the information that is relevant to them.

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Parent InductionEducator Induction

Widget Page

We have introduced a new Widget page to the left on the Homepage. Simply swipe from left to right on the Homepage to display the widgets.

01 Mock Up Student Ui Widget Page Animation 00000
01.2 Teacher Ui Widget Page@2X 2
01.3 Parent Ui Widget Page@2X 2

This page showcases a selection of the new widgets that will be introduced at a later date. Students, teachers and parents can add, remove, and rearrange widgets according to their preferences. Widgets can be moved interchangeably between the Homepage and the Widget page.

Widget and Homepage Customisation

Students, teachers and parents can now customise the Homepage and Widget page by tapping on the cog icon located at the top left of the Homepage.

On the customisation page, a simplified view of all widgets is displayed. Users can rearrange widgets according to their preferences and use the drag-and-drop functionality allowing users to move widgets between the Homepage and the Widget page. Widgets can be removed by tapping on the ⛔️ icon located at the top right of each card.

02 04 Student Ui Home Customisation 00000 2
02.2 Teacher Ui Home Customisation Page@2X 2
02.3 Parent Ui Homeroom Customisation Page@2X 2

Widgets are added by selecting the + icon on the top right of the Customisation page. This will trigger the Add Widget bottom popover. From here, users can select the widgets they want to add. Widgets are automatically added to the current page.

03 Student Ui Widget Page Animation 00000
03.2 Teacher Ui Add Widgets@2X 2

03.3 Parent Ui Add Widgets@2X 2

The Menu can also be customised by choosing the cog icon located at the top right of the Menu card. Students, teachers and parents have the option to rearrange Menu items and switch between tile and list views for the menu layout, thereby optimising it to align with their specific requirements.

04 Student Ui Home Customisation 00000
04.2 Teacher Ui Menu Settings@2X 2

04.3 Parent Ui Menu Settings@2X 2

New Widgets

This update introduces new widgets that can be incorporated into both the Homepage and Widget Page, offering instant access to essential sections within the application. These include Quick Links, Project Deadlines, Service Learning Activities, and more.

  1. Quick Links Widget
    Access: Student, Teacher, Parent
    The Quick Links widget functions as a centralised hub that houses all Quick Link folders and links. This widget cannot be removed if teachers have added Quick Links for students or parents.

    05.2 Teacher Ui Quick Links Widget@2X 3

  2. Key Contacts Widget
    Access: Student, Parent
    Functioning as a quick-reference tool, the Key Contacts widget compiles a list of main contacts for students and parents, including their Homeroom Advisor, Programme Advisor, etc.

    06.2 Parent Ui Key Contacts Widget@2X 3

  3. Lesson Experience Widget
    Access: Student, Teacher
    The Lesson Experience widget is designed to display current Lesson Experiences for all classes to which students and teachers belong. By selecting a specific Lesson Experience, students are directed to the designated native Stream & Resources page of that chosen Lesson Experience.

    07.1 Student Ui Lesson Experience Widget@2X 3

  4. Project Deadlines Widget
    Access: Student, Parent
    Enhancing project efficiency, the Project Deadlines widget introduces dedicated widgets for each ongoing project within the Year Group. Each project the student is participating in has a dedicated widget. For example, projects like TOK Exhibition, TOK Essay, and EE will each possess individual widgets. These Project widgets will list all upcoming deadlines corresponding to their respective projects.

    08.2 Parent Ui Project Deadlines Widget@2X 1

  5. Homeroom Attendance Widget
    Access: Teacher, Parent
    The Homeroom Attendance widget serves both teachers and parents. For teachers, it organises homeroom attendance excusals for the current week, displaying dates of student excuses, and providing quick access to their Homeroom Attendance details.
    For parents, it gives a quick summary! of their child’s attendance with daily records. Parents can navigate the calendar using Next Week and Previous Week buttons. Additionally, selecting the widget gives parents access to more attendance information, including summaries of Homeroom and Class Attendance for the academic year, along with contact details for the Homeroom Advisor.

    09.1 Homeroom Attendance Teacher Ui
    09.2 Homeroom Attendance Teacher Ui
    09.3 Homeroom Attendance Parent Ui

  6. Reviews & Progress Widget
    Access: Teacher
    This widget provides service learning advisors with an updated count of pending service learning activities for approval or review. Teachers can use this widget to navigate directly to the Reviews & Progress page for each service learning component.

    10. Teacher Ui Reviews Progress Widget@2X 1

  7. Unit Calendar Widget
    Access: Teacher
    The Unit Calendar widget organises all current and upcoming units for the classes in which teachers are members, providing quick access to their units. Ongoing units are displayed at the top of this widget. Teachers can switch between classes by selecting the Select Class button at the bottom of the widget.

    11. Teacher Ui Unit Calendar Widget@2X 1

  8. Service Learning Widget
    Access: Student
    The Service Learning widget offers a convenient shortcut to students’ ongoing Service Learning Activities. This widget only displays approved and ongoing activities, streamlining students’ engagement with their Service Learning commitments.

    12. Service Learning Widget@2X 2

  9. Timetables Widget
    Access: Student
    The new Timetable widget serves as a valuable resource, furnishing students with information regarding their upcoming classes and custom periods for the present day. The Timetable widget is integrated with the Calendar widget, accessible by swiping from right to left directly on the Calendar & Timetable widget.

    13. Timetables Widget@2X 2

iPad Optimisations

Optimised for iPads, all updates have been fine-tuned to ensure an enhanced user experience on larger mobile devices. In landscape mode, widgets slide in from the left side of the Homepage, offering quick and easy access to all widgets. This implementation echoes the functionality found on iPhones, allowing students to add widgets, customise the slide-over menu and personalise the Homepage to their preferences.

14. Ipad Widgets@2X 2

Native Timetable Page for Teachers

This update includes a revamped Timetable page catered to teachers. The Timetable page has been optimised for mobile devices, aiming to make a teacher’s daily and weekly schedule easy to view.

15. Teacher Timetables@2X 2

Improved Navigation

Our newly introduced multi-stack architecture is set to redefine your app experience and the way you navigate. With this feature in place, all bottom menu pages (Home, Search, Inbox, Quick Add, and Me) will save the last accessed page. In other words, when users move to another bottom menu page and then return to the previous one, they will be directed back to the exact page they were on previously. This transformation marks a significant advancement in our app’s central navigation, ensuring that users never lose their progress. Beyond this, the feature provides enhanced multitasking capability as you can switch between different parts of the app using the bottom menu pages.

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