International Mindedness in the MYP
Written by Adrian von Wrede-Jervis, Bavarian International School gAG In every guide on about page 7 is a copy of the IB learner profile which states: “The aim of all IB programmes is to develop internationally minded people who, recognizing their common humanity and...Enhanced Student Portfolios
Product Updates, IB Diploma Programme, IB Middle Years Programme, IB Primary Years Programme | April 17, 2020
We are delighted to announce the latest enhancements to our student portfolios for students, teachers, admins & coordinators and parents across all curriculum programmes. We hope the newest additions to the student portfolios bring more efficiency to your daily... Feature Friday
IB Middle Years Programme, Product Updates | April 8, 2019
IB Middle Years Programme 1. The Subject Group Overview is now available for all grade levels, and the PDF export has been improved: To better assist MYP coordinators and teachers with keeping track of their curriculum, we’ve updated and improved our class... Feature Friday
Welcome to the first Feature Friday of 2019! We’ve made several updates to ManageBac over these first few weeks that we are excited to share with you. For more assistance or details about any of the updates below, please contact us via and Criteria Updates for the Middle Years Programme
Announcements, IB Middle Years Programme | November 15, 2017
ManageBac has now updated the objectives and criteria for Physical and Health Education and Design to match the latest changes by the IB. The objectives and criteria for Language and Literature have been added for each grade level. To enact these changes for your...