Based on the MYP publication schedule provided in the Development Report (August 2013), we would like to provide a timeline for when MYP Next Chapter changes will be reflected on ManageBac and how we will be managing the transition across your unit plans &...
After developing Curriculum Analytics for the Middle Years Programme and Curriculum Analytics for the Primary Years Programme, we are pleased to announce the release of a keyword search tool for both programmes. In the MYP, the keyword search bar is now available...
We’re happy to announce the release of in-depth curriculum analytics for the MYP. Units on your system can now be mapped and analyzed across: Significant Concepts AOI Unit Question Objectives Assessment Criteria Standards Learner Profile These analytics allow...
The new MYP curriculum in Language B and Humanities will go into effect in September and January for May and November-session schools. On ManageBac, the new subject guides are effective August 1 for May-session schools. For November-session schools, these changes will...
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